We are holding our first EVER Homeschool Day at Treworgy Family Orchards. Sept. 18th, 2024, 10am-2pm. Join us as we host area homeschoolers, their famillies, groups and co-ops! This day is just for homeschoolers, all other school visits will not be scheduled on this day. Your day will include cider tasting, pyo apple, pyo mini-pumpkins, a doughnut, a chance to feed the goats and a wagon ride around the farm.  There will also be orchard walks available to join at 11:30 and 12:30. If this is of interest to you, your family, your homeschool group or co-op, please connect with Miss Ginny. We are asking for pre-registration, so we can be sure to have enough cider and doughnuts.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email at ginny@treworgyorchards.com